Belong To: Better Out Than In campaign
To round out this year's Better Out Than In campaign, some of the LGBTQ+ young people from our Youth Advisory Panel share with us the things they do to support their own mental health. Remember, no matter how big or small an issue feels it's always #betteroutthanin
Queering the Pitch Notes on activism and archival practice
This panel in August 2021 brought together speakers who have worked to collect and conserve Irish LGBTI+ histories. Their work has preserved documentation and ephemera relating to Irish activism and LGBTI+ communities across Ireland.
Jigsaw: Understanding what it means to be a transgender young person in Ireland
This animation tells the story of a young person as they are discovering that they are transgender and shows their journey from struggling in school, to coming out to their mam about their gender, going to their first pride parade, and finding their own community.
International Day against Homophobia: UN warns against stigmatisation
The International Day against Homophobia dates back to 17 May 1990, when the World Health Organisation (WHO) decided to remove homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses. In order to draw public attention to the discrimination that members of the LGBTI community still face in many places, those affected proclaimed 17 May a day of remembrance in 2004.
Comprendre la lutte contre les discours sexistes, racistes, homophobes
Hatred, racism, cyber-harassment... toxic language is becoming more and more widespread on the Internet.
What are the consequences for the people targeted? How can we prevent #hate from spreading on the Internet without restricting #freedom of expression?
An overview of the issue with Manon Bril from the channel C'est une autre histoire.
Lutte contre la haine en ligne : recommandations clefs de la CNCDH.
In its 30th annual report on the fight against racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia and a very detailed opinion, both published on 8 July, the CNCDH advocated a global approach to the phenomenon of mass hate speech on the Internet. It made around twenty recommendations. Celia Zolynksi, professor and qualified person at the CNCDH, looks at some of them.
Mieux prévenir et sanctionner les actes homophobes et transphobes
Following Lucas' suicide and the cancellation of Bilale Hassani's concert in Metz, Prefect Sophie ÉLIZÉON, inter-ministerial delegate for the fight against racism, anti-Semitism and anti-LGBT hatred (DILCRAH), came to Nancy to review the resources available to combat homophobic and transphobic attacks.
Le Mouvement contre le discours de haine, c'est quoi ?
#CyberCRACCS - Online training modules - To access the quizzes, go to Once you are logged in to your private area, click on CyberCRACCS Training in the left-hand menu. Let's work together to ensure that human rights are respected online!
How to protect yourself from hate speech on the Internet?
Hate speech, hate speech, hate speech - we hear about it more and more often. Moreover, we are despised and humiliated. In comments to posts, on posters and pictures, in songs and chants - hate speech can be found everywhere. So we invite you to figure out why some people insult others because they are different, and most importantly, how to prevent and counteract it. Watch the conversation with the human rights activist live on the Instagram of the Democratic Initiatives Incubator "How to protect yourself from hate speech on the Internet?
InstaTalk #7 | How to avoid hate on the Internet?
On 27 January 2022, a live human rights broadcast for young people took place on Instagram, exploring the topic "How to Avoid Hate on the Internet?"
The discussion featured Nazariy Boyarskyi (@n.boiarskyi), a human rights activist, non-formal education trainer, and expert with the Coalition for Combating Discrimination in Ukraine, alongside Valeriia Rybak, director of the Human Rights Vector NGO.
Webinar "Hate speech: how to avoid it in professional and personal life?"
The webinar "Hate speech: how to avoid it in professional and personal life?" was held on 20 August 2020. This webinar is the next event in a series of webinars on preventing and combating discrimination from the Human Rights Vector NGO, which are aimed at the legal community. Representatives of court communication teams, teachers of higher education institutions are invited to participate, but we are confident that the topic will be of interest to anyone interested in cultural diversity and discrimination prevention.
Vladimir Yavorsky: Discrimination and hate speech
Issues covered:
- the concept of direct and indirect discrimination
- forms of discrimination
- the most common signs of discrimination
- is it possible to fight discrimination?
- hate speech
Speaker: Volodymyr Yavorskyi, expert at the Centre for Civil Liberties, Chairman of the Board of NGO Docudays UA.
Hate speech - what it is and why it harms the media and society
As part of the course "How to Write About LGBT People," journalists attended a lecture titled "Hate Speech – What It Is and Why It Harms the Media and Society." Led by journalist and media trainer Mykhailyna Skoryk, the session explores the impact of intolerance, the different forms of hate speech, and the importance of using respectful and accurate language when referring to individuals and communities.
Dealing with online hate - a guide for LGBTIQ+ people
Find out what to do if you, or someone you know, comes across hateful content online. Find out how you can play nice and stay safe online by exploring a range of topics designed for the LGBTIQ+ community, with eSafety's LGBTIQ+ learning lounge:
Teen Voices: Hate Speech Online
As human beings, we thrive on social connections and group associations. But this tendency can also lead to us to be suspicious of people outside our group. This fear -- xenophobia -- can often fuel online communication that's offensive, hateful, or even threatening. In this video, teens share their candid thoughts about online hate speech, including why they think it happens, and the the ways they respond when they encounter hate speech online.